Cherokee County Resources


Click any of the resource topics below for a list of resources in cherokee county

Food Finder- A map of food pantries nation wide

Find Help- A network that helps people find services and resources in their area


Be sure to read information below.  If you are an agency and would like to list your organization, you will need to click the "log in" button which will prompt you to sign in to receive your password to have your agency listed.

Welcome to the community resource guide. When you click through to the guide it will ask you which county you are looking for. If you cannot find the resource that you are looking for, this system will allow you to search other nearby county resourc…

Welcome to the community resource guide. When you click through to the guide it will ask you which county you are looking for. If you cannot find the resource that you are looking for, this system will allow you to search other nearby county resource data banks that are available.

If you are a resource provider and this is your first time entering your data, you will be prompted to enter your basic information and email in order to receive your individual password for your organization that will allow you to enter and revise your agency information on an ongoing basis. Once you click through select "Log in" to register. Agency information can be added in more than one service category if you assist in multiple areas such as food bank and employment assistance.

Community Resource Guide Link