Get in FOCUS and join us each month for community updates and networking! Meetings are the last Wednesday of each month from 8:30am - 9:45am.
Our Vision: An empowered community of thriving families.
Our Values:
Families are our bottom line!
Parents make a difference.
Youth can positively affect youth.
The community cares and will mobilize for action.
Organizations collaborate to strengthen and support the community.
About Us:
People ~ Partnerships ~ Possibilities
Cherokee FOCUS is a 501(c)3 collaborative that exists to improve the lives of the children and families of Cherokee County. The collaborative is a partnership of organizations, agencies civic clubs, the faith based community, law enforcement, business, education, families and individuals. These partners bring their skills, expertise and resources to the table to create and develop programs and initiatives designed to support families and children through a means that could not be accomplished by one agency or individual alone.
The Cherokee FOCUS collaborative is a member of the Georgia Family Connection Partnership. As part of this network of 159 county collaboratives, Cherokee FOCUS is able to partner in statewide efforts for positive results while focusing on the specific needs of our community youth and families.
Cherokee YOuth Works
Looking for a way to impact the life of a youth? Give a general donation that can be used for fees related to GED, college enrollment, school supplies, workforce training, certifications, job tools, uniforms, professional clothing or other education or work related need.
The Cherokee Youth Works participants really appreciate you and so do we! So make your donation today and give yourself a big pat on the back because YOU have helped someone else in their efforts to succeed! And who knows, we have participates that have gone on to work in the medical field, automotive repair, cosmetology, dental assisting, and other fields where they may be helping you one day! Click on the photo for more details on the Cherokee Youth Works Program.
Follow Us
Cherokee FOCUS
Drug Free Cherokee
Cherokee Youth Works
Cherokee Connection